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Interface Gap Analysis Template

A Supplement to the HL7 Survival Guide

Inside This Template

The simple Excel (.xlsx) file contains:

1. Tabs listing gaps by data element: trigger events, segments, fields, and data tables.

2. A guide to each gap type and tips on resolving gaps. Some gaps are based on interoperability, and you need to resolve them outside the interface. Others need to be handled in the engine. See the difference.

3. Callouts that you can delete once you've edited the template to meet your needs.

Why Gap Analysis?

Interfaces are painful only when we skip scoping. Gap analysis is an essential part of scoping an interface. A good gap analysis document is essential for capturing requirements, enabling you to document what's missing and what needs to be bridged by the interface.

Identify which vendors need to be involved up front. Eliminate trial and error during go-live. And simplify testing. This Gap Analysis template helps you get started.

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